On The Easel...8

The last few days have been most productive. Here are the newest members to the Chadette family.

Jessica was kind enough to give me some great names for the last four. Thank you very much. I am going to use all four of them. Let me know about these two.

Chadette No 52 8 x 10 inches, oil on canvas board.

Chadette no 51 8 x 10 inches, oil on canvas board.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awww...I love that you are going to use them! How fun.

#52 is gorgeous. To me, she's Colette (besides, how cool is "Colette Chadette?).

#51 - Interesting...a name doesn't really come to me with her. I'm flipping back and forth between Mia and Naomi.

You are SO talented.

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