Still Working On Sall...

Remember this? "Long Tall Sall..."

I don't really either. I mean, I don't really remember when I actually started this. Sometime earlier this year...

Well anywho...

this is what she looks like this week. this morning around 1:30 am she asked me to do something to her. She didn't care what, just something. A woman can only be neglected for so long.

Before you ask your self, "What is that in the back ground?"

It's a circa 1950's porcelain sink with rusting iron pipes and a gold and purple diamond pattern on the wall.

The wall is going to get changed to metallic silver and purple diamonds and I'm thinking about putting a silver metal trash can behind her right leg, to about the knee height. As well as a towel hanging behind her left arm or over the edge of the sink. Then fix her left arm and right hand.

1 comment:

eclectic said...

I'm glad you explained the background because at first glance, the rusty pipe had me worried that she had some weird elephantitis of the privy parts.

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