Easy Canvas Prints...

Greetings all!  I want to tell you about a wonderful little place called Easy Canvas Prints.
They just made this work for me. I emailed them a jpg image of an old photo. The did some editing work for me to remove a face in the back ground. They printed it on canvas and gave it a finished 1 1/2 inch gallery wrap with black edges. 

It was easy and quick and I love it! They did a fantastic job.

I haven't quite figured out where I'm going to hang it yet but who cares. I love this photo and it looks great on canvas. As soon as I find it a home I will take more photos.

For anyone that "Likes" them on Facebook they will give you 50% off your first order.  www.facebook.com/easycanvasprints

I would send you to my facebook page, but I do not facebook. So you can visit on your own. There is also a button in my side bar to go directly to their website.

Thank you Easy Canvas Prints.

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