
How much is too much?

Is blogging a detriment to ones career? Ok, not just any blog, but this one? Do I write about things that a potential employer would object to? Is the thought of a potential employee that blogs, objectionable?

It is very easy to find this blog by googling my real name. If you go to my art website, I have this blog listed at the end of my biography. My art and this blog have become linked. As has my real life and my blog life. Should I keep them separated?

I mentioned to someone, how easy it was to find my blog and how easy it would be to figure out who I really am. They expressed concern if not a slight horror at the idea and asked if that was smart . Until that point, I had not really given it much thought. I have never considered my writing to be offensive or objectionable. Then again, I don't look at my blog the way an outsider, or future employer would either.

I started this blog to write about art. Specifically my art. I have looked at it like part of my biography. It's who I am and what I go through. Everything I do and experience is expressed in, or influences my work. Be it the painting or writing. Is it foolish to think that the two go together?

The people that know me, realize that I embellish and or exaggerate for affect. The people that only read this blog may think that this is a completely accurate account.

Which brings me back to my question.

How much, is too much? Where should I draw line?


Sizzle said...

An ex of mine is an artist and had a blog. Much of it was negative and didn't show him in a positive light even if it was true to how he was feeling. His art and his words became mixed together. He has since created separate websites so that his art stands alone. In his case, that was a smart choice.

I don't think you write anything that would be controversial here but I am not an employer. I keep my name completely off my blog so no one would be able to find me. Thank goodness for that!

Sheree Rensel said...

William, This is a very real and crappy concern. I am totally aware of the hazards of internet activity. I have tried over the years to keep my internet stuff separate from my "day job" life. However, I am always aware and cognizant of what I say and what I do online. This is due to the fact I know how reactionary some people can be these days. I have witnessed people getting fired over lesser offenses. At this point, I haven't done anything horrible, totally wrong, or illegal. However, it wouldn't be beyond my imagination for me to get into trouble due to an objectionable image or comment. Paranoia is a very real thing in this time.

Dave2 said...

I don't know that I've ever read anything here that would be detrimental towards my hiring you. But you never know.

What I do know is that two people I know have had job problems because of their blogs. I never mention anything about my work just to be safe, but give how much your art IS your life, I don't know how you could separate the two?

Heather Anne Hogan said...

I'm not sure about the employer thing, but I have--luckily--found (most) of the Internet to be free of axe-murderers so far. (I guess it just takes the once.) :)

eclectic said...

I don't know if I think employers have any right to expect prospective employees to not have lives... lives that include angst, frustration, conflict, hope, joy, silliness, confusion, heartache, peace, contentment... .

Which is not to say that it can't happen; rather, to say that any employer who would hold against you the things you've said here (of which I'm aware), would be an employer unworthy of your energy in my opinion.

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